Join the fight against food insecurity.
Founded in March 2020, Invisible Hands is a community-based group of organizers and volunteers delivering groceries, prescriptions, and other necessities to our most vulnerable and homebound neighbors, including the elderly, immunocompromised, sick, and people with disabilities. We also partner with food pantries, mutual aid groups, and religious institutions to deliver free food to people in need and address the long-term injustice of food insecurity. Learn more about our model here.
Your gift, of any amount, is an investment in our work to keep our neighbors safe and to fight food insecurity in New York City and beyond.
Will your employer match your gift?
Did you know more than 1,000 businesses will match their employees’ charitable donations and volunteer time? See if your company has a matching gift program here. You might be able to double your gift to Invisible Hands at no cost to you!
Make a gift in honor/memory of someone:
You may use the donation form to honor or remember someone special by making a gift in their name. If you would like to send recognition of your donation to the honoree or a family member, please include their name and address.
Other Ways to Give:
Check Donations
To donate with a check, please address it to the Development Department at Commonpoint Queens.
Mail checks to:
Commonpoint Queens
Attn: Judy Vladimir
58-20 Little Neck Parkway
Little Neck, NY 11362
Invisible Hands is part of Commonpoint Queens, EIN: 11-3071518.
For additional questions about donating, please email jvladimir@commonpointqueens.org.